土屋 貴裕 TUCHIYA Takahiro
- 所属
- コンピュータ理工学科/コンピュータ?サイエンス部門
- 職位
- 准教授
- tsuchiya@u-aizu.ac.jp
- 担当科目 - 大学
- 微積分,線形代数,数学科教育法1,フーリエ解析,確率統計学
- 担当科目 - 大学院
- 確率過程論, 応用統計
- 研究分野
- 略歴
- 2007年 3月 博士(理学)立命館大学 2007年4月日本学術振興会特別研究員 (PD) 東京工業大学 2008年8月ウィーン工科大学 Post-doctoral researcher 2010年4月立命館大学理工学部 助教 2012年4月bob游戏平台_澳门美高梅金殿-登陆|官网 准教授着任
- 現在の研究課題
- 確率微分方程式における強収束の理論的な計算について
- 研究内容キーワード
- 確率微分方程式,数理ファイナンス
- 所属学会
- 日本数学会,日本応用数理学会,JAFEE
- 趣味
- ジョギング
- 座右の銘
- ノブレス?オブリージュ
1.??? "A Heat Kernel Approach to Interest Rate Models" (with Jiro Akahori, Yuji Hishida, Josef Teichmann, and Takahiro Tsuchiya), to appear in Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Math, 2014 (ArXiv)
2.??? "Remarks on the rate of strong convergence of Euler-Maruyama approximation for SDEs driven by rotation invariant stable processes" (with Hiroya Hashimoto), JSIAM Letters, 5:13?16, 2013
3.??? "On the convergent rates of Euler-Maruyama schemes for SDEs driven by rotation invariant α-stable processes" (with Hiroya Hashimoto) in Japanese, RIMS Kokyuroku, 2013
4.??? "How does a Hot Spot come into existence?" (with Nobutaka Shimizu)- Remarks on Simulation of Radiation Diffusion-. Proceedings of the 44th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications Tokyo, Japan, November 1-2, 2013 (preprint, an article on web).
5.??? "HKA to single defaultable bond" (with Yuta Inoue), proceedings of the 42nd ISCIE international symposium on stochastic systems theory and its applications, Okayama, Japan, November 26?27, 2010. Kyoto: The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), pages 96?101, 2011.
6.??? "Defaultable bonds via HKA"(with Yuta Inoue), International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 8(3 (B)): 2225?2231, March 2012
7.??? "What is the natural scale for a Levy process in modelling term structure of interest rates?" (with Jiro Akahori), Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 13(4):299?313, 2006 (ArXiv)
8.??? "On the pathwise uniqueness of solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by multi-dimensional symmetric α stable class" J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 46(1): 107?121, 2006, pdf.
9.??? "On stochastic differential equations driven by symmetric stable processes of index α'' (with Hashimoto Hiroya and Yadama Toshio), Stochastic processes and applications to mathematical finance. Proceedings of the 5th Ritsumeikan international symposium, Kyoto, Japan, March 3--6, 2005. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific. 183-193 (2006), pdf.
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