シン ジュンピル SHIN Jungpil
- 毅輝親朕 - 寄僥
- プログラミングC, プログラミングJAVA, 繁垢岑嬬
- 毅輝親朕 - 寄僥垪
- Human Action Pattern Processing
- 冩梢蛍勸
パタ`ンJR, 猟忖JR, 鮫I尖, コンピュ`タビジョン, ヒュ`マン?コンピュ`タ?インタラクション, C亠僥, 舞U鴫纂蛍裂
- 待s
- 1999定3埖 湘巒寄僥寄僥垪システム秤鷽苫а仂真鳶涸烹鴬平┨ぱВ 1999定4埖 bob游戏平台_澳门美高梅金殿-登陆|官网 彈縮娩 2004定4埖 貧彈縮娩 2019定10埖 縮娩
- F壓の冩梢n}
- Human computer interaction, Non-touch interface, Human gesture recognition, Automatic control, Parkinson¨s disease diagnosis, ADHD diagnosis, User authentication, Machine intelligence, Handwriting analysis, recognition and synthesis.
- 冩梢坪否キ`ワ`ド
- Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Human computer interaction, Gesture recognition, Pen-based interaction system, Real-time system, Handwriting recognition, Neurological disease analysis
- 侭奉僥氏
- IEEE (Senior member), ACM, IEICE, KISS, KIPS
- 箸龍
- Photograph, Tour
- 徨工r旗の
- Artist
- これからの朕
- World Tour
- 恙嘔の
- Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men. (Proverbs22:29)
- 柎i
- "The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality," Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson. "Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years" Jared Diamond
- 僥伏へのメッセ`ジ
- What should you do at the university? 1. Learn the way how to think (Knowledge and Wisdom). 2. Establish the point of view. 3. Prepare for your occupation.
- その麿
- Enneagram Leader Certification (9 types of Personality)
- y議返隈を喘いて繁のPEを庁Mした猟忖を伏撹する返隈
? ?の猟忖を返でくHの謹來を1つのモデルで燕Fすることができる
? 富方の圻云猟忖デ`タから、返きの謹來を笋┐仁鍔屬鯢撹することができる
? 圻云PEの來をS隔しながら、謹方の返き猟忖を伏撹することができる
- パタ`ンJR、ヒュ`マン?コンピュ`タ`?インタラクション、コンピュ`タビジョン, 鮫I尖, Machine Intelligence,
パタ`ンJR、鮫I尖、コンピュ`タビジョンのアルゴリズムやアプリケ`ションの_kを佩っています。除定ペンタブレット?KINECT?Leap Motionを喘いた猟忖JR?ジェスチャ`JR?P宀J^、返きフォント伏撹、P宀J^、俸兆J^、谷Pのシミュレ`ション、鮫碧などの冩梢を佩っています。
- }方のカメラによる啌颪痢犬弔覆々 ゛レい腎gでも徭嘛頚Eが辛嬬に゛
? パタ`ンのJRによる卞嗅紊臨Re
? 卞嗅紊臨嘛頚E
? なる了崔から謹方のカメラで顔唹される啌颪らO鵑臨頚Eの徭啝かつ互來嬬晒を朕議にする。
[1] J. Shin, H. Sakoe, "Stroke Correspondence Search Method for Stroke-Order and Stroke-Number Free On-Line Character Recognition --- Multilayer Cube Search,'' The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Trans. Inf. & Syst. [SCI], vol. J82-D-II, No. 2, pp. 230-239, Feb. 1999.
[2] J. Shin, M. M. Ali, Y. Katayama, H. Sakoe, "Stroke Order Free On-line Character Recognition Algorithm using Inter-Stroke Information,'' The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Trans. Inf. & Syst. [SCI], vol. J82-D-II, No. 3, pp. 382-389, Mar. 1999.
[3] J. Shin, "Optimal Stroke-Correspondence Search Method for On-Line Character Recognition," Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier Science) [SCI], Vol. 23, pp. 601-608, 2002.
[4] J. Shin, "Stroke Order- and Number-Free On-Line Character Recognition Using Intra- and Inter-Stroke Information," International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems, Vol.6, No. 2, pp. 72-79, April, 2002.
[5] J. Shin, "On-Line Cursive Hangul Recognition that Uses DP Matching To Detect Key Segmentation Points," The Journal of the Pattern Recognition Society (Elsevier Science) [SCI], Vol.37, No. 11, pp. 2101-2112, Nov., 2004.
[6] J. Shin, K. Suzuki, A. Hasegawa, "Handwritten Chinese Character Font Generation Based on Stroke Correspondence," International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages [SCI], Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 211-226, Sept. 2005 (Awarded a best paper from 2004 Conference on Chinese Language Computing.).
[7] W. Chang, J. Shin, "Dynamic Positional Warping: Dynamic Time Warping for Online Handwriting," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI) [SCI], Vol.23, No.5, pp. 967-986, July. 2009.
[8] W. Chang, J. Shin, "A Statistical Handwriting Model for Style-Preserving and Variable Character Synthesis," International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) [SCI], Vol. 15, No.1, pp. 1-19, March. 2012.
[9] J. Shin, T. Okuyama, "Detection of Alcohol Intoxicated via Online handwritten Signature," Pattern Recognition Letters [SCI], Vol. 35, pp. 101-104, Jan. 2014,
[10] H. Liao, C. Lu, J. Shin, "The incorporation of GPS and IP Cameras for People Tracking," GPS Solutions [SCI], Vol 16, Issue 4, pp. 425-437, 2012.
[11] T. Murata, J. Shin, ^Hand Gesture and Character Recognition Based on Kinect Sensor, ̄International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks [SCI], Vol. 2014, Article ID 278460, July 2014.?
[12] C. Chen, J. Shin, W. Tsaur, C. Gong, L. Zhao, "A SaaS-Model-Based Approach to an Environment Monitoring System," Journal of Internet Technology, (ISSN 1607-9264), [SCI], Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 347-359, Mar. 2017.?
[13] J. Shin, K. Maruyama, C. Kim, "Signature Verification Based on Inter-Stroke and Intra-Stroke Information", ACM Applied Computing Review (SIGAPP), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 26-34, March, 2017.?
[14] H. Mun, S. Hong, J. Shin, "A Novel Secure and Efficient Hash Function with Extra Padding against Rainbow Table Attacks", Cluster Computing (Springer) [SCI], pp. 1-13, May, 2017.?
[15] S. Jan, Y. Lee, J. Shin, I. Koo, "Sensor Fault Classification Based on Support Vector Machine and Statistical Time-Domain Features," IEEE Access [SCI], Vol. 5, pp. 8682-8690, May, 2017. Impact factor : 4.098.?
[16] J. Shin, C. Kim, "Non-touch Character Input System Based on Hand Tapping Gestures Using Kinect Sensor", IEEE Access [SCI], Vol. 5, pp. 10496-10505, May, 2017. Impact factor : 4.098.?
[17] C. Chen, J. Shin, Y. Tsai, A. Castiglione, F.o Palmieri,^Securing information exchange in VANETs by using pairing-based cryptography," the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science [SCI], June, 2017.