March 13, 2023
With support for the Top Global University (TGU) Project from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) ending in FY2023, the University of Aizu is currently working to make its globalization efforts self-sustaining. In order to achieve this goal, and to expand upon our achievements so far, we are currently seeking Grant Donations from both corporations and individuals.
Donations received will be primarily used for the following purposes:
● Promotion of Globalization
Enhancement of educational activities that contribute to university globalization
Initial Target: 600,000 yen (mainly for recruitment of international students)
● Global Start-up Education
Initial Target: 1,400,000 yen (mainly for the Silicon Valley Internship Program)
● If you wish to sponsor scholarships for international students or sponsor the Silicon Valley Internship Program beyond the above amount, please contact us.
The UoA refuses donations from corporations or individuals with substantial ties of any kind to organized crime and other antisocial forces, including those of an indirect nature.
Please send any inquiries to the University of Aizu Promotion Office for Super Global University.
Email: sgu-adm◎ change ◎ to @.)
Address: 90 Kami-Iawase, Tsuruga, Ikki-Machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima 965-8580
Tel.: 0242-37-2701
To make a donation, please review the University Regulation on the Treatment of Grant Donations to the University of Aizu and send us an e-mail.