イエン ニール ユーウェン

YEN Neil Yuwen

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering/Division of Computer Science
Associate Professor
Web site


Courses - Undergraduate
F1 Algorithm and Data Structure [ex]A1 Artificial Intelligence [ex]SE1 Web Engineering [ex]
Courses - Graduate
ITA27 Introduction to Human-centered Computing ITA28 Introduction to Big Data Science


Intelligent informatics
Human-centered ComputingComputational Intelligence
Educational Background, Biography
2012.04 to date - Associate professor, University of Aizu, Japan 2012.03 - PhD in Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan 2012.01 - PhD in Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Current Research Theme
Current research theme is primarily to well understand the phenomenon, via data, human, and their interactions, and further develop well-being environment for human society. Instances include: 1) Search engine that prompt human experience and knowledge discovery; 2) Emerging services that support decision-making, healthcare management, and e-learning; and 3) New methods in data mining and machine learning.
Key Topic
Human modeling, data mining, machine learning, social web, cognitive science, awareness engineering
Affiliated Academic Society


Movie, Jazz drum, Sports
School days' Dream
To be a happy foreman
Current Dream
To be the best of the best
Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.
Messages for Students
Do not give up. Hopes are always there waiting for you.

Dissertation and Published Works

1. N.Y. Yen, T.K. Shih, J.C. Hung, M.M. Weng, "Socially-Empowered Automated Mechanisms towards Seamless Migration e-Learning to s-Learning" ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (accepted on May 7, 2014)
2. N.Y. Yen, Q. Jin, J.C. Tsai, J.J. Park, "Intelligent State Machine for Social Ad Hoc Data Management and Reuse," Multimedia Tools and Applications (online published on March 2014)
3. J.C. Hung, N.Y. Yen, H.Y. Jeong, Y.W. Chan, "Adaptive mechanism for schedule arrangement and optimization in socially-empowered professional sports games," Multimedia Tools and Application (online published on January 2014)
4. C.C. Chen, T.C. Huang, J.J. Park, H.H. Tseng, N.Y. Yen, "A Smart Assistant for Product-Awareness Shopping," in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(2): 339-349, 2014
5. N.Y. Yen, T.K. Shih, Q. Jin, "LONET: An Interactive Search Network for Intelligent Lecture Path Generation," ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 4(2): article 30, 2013
6. N.Y. Yen, J.J. Park, Q. Jin, T.K. Shih, "Modeling User-Generated Contents: An Intelligent State Machine for User-Centric Search Support," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 17(8), 1731-1739, 2013
7. N.Y. Yen, Q. Jin, J. Ma, R. Huang, T.K. Shih, "Intelligent Route Generation: Discovery and Search of Correlation between Shared Resources," in International Journal of Communication Systems, 26(6): 732-746, 2013
8. C.C. Chen, T.C. Huang, N.Y. Yen, J.J. Park, "Real-time Smartphone Sensing and Recommendations towards Context-Awareness Shopping," Multimedia Systems (online published in December 2013)
9. X. Zhou, N.Y. Yen, Q. Jin, T.K. Shih, "Enriching User Search Experience by Mining Social Streams with Heuristic Stones and Associative Ripples," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 61(1): 129-144, 2012
10. N.Y. Yen, T.K. Shih, L.R. Chao, Q. Jin, "Ranking Metrics and Search Guidance for Learning Object Repository," IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 3(3):250-264, 2010